Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Role of Pride in Sophocles Oedipus the King Essay
â€Å"Oh my children, the new blood of ancient Thebes, why are you here?†said Oedipus when addressing his people during his first appearance (1-2). Flamboyant, yes, well in Oedipus the King, the main character Oedipus is a boastful and pompous character faced with troublesome pasts and future predicaments. In actuality, he is king of Thebes and the rightful ruler, but when a plague strikes he is quickly led into a misfortune of events that ultimately leads him to dig his eyes out in attempt to relieve him from the truth he discovers. It then becomes a revelation to distinguish the characteristic fault which leads Oedipus through such tragedy. Only to become apparent, Oedipus’s excessive pride is the main culprit behind his tragic ending. In†¦show more content†¦When Oedipus hears that he is the killer, his pride is wounded for he cannot accept the truth. His judgment is so blurred that he also begins to view Creon as a traitor for using Tiresias. Creon’ s words sum up Oedipus’s rage when he said, â€Å"Oedipus, your husband, he’s bent on a choice of punishments for me, banishment from the fatherland or death†(715-717). Jocasta is even surprised with Oedipus’s unusual character, as she said, â€Å"For the love of God, Oedipus, tell me too, what is it? Why this rage? You’re so unbending†(767-769). The reason why Oedipus pride is so wounded can be because his negative experiences with the Gods. As a baby, he was condemned to death, yet he survived and learned the horrible truth of his prophecy. In attempt to escape that life, he lost belief in the word of the gods because he refused that the prophecies should come true. This struggle between God and Oedipus only tears his moral beliefs as he has to be stone cold to survive his tribulations. This meant giving no consideration against people who presently posed a great threat to him. Ironically, due to Oedipus unflinching pride and stubbornne ss, he rolls the ball which unfolds a horrific chain of sequences. Had Oedipus been less stubborn and prideful, he might have never prompted Jocasta to reassure him, while in reality she was giving him the world’s worst news. As Jocasta reveals the truth behind Laius’s death, an oddly connection appears inShow MoreRelatedOedipus Essay788 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Greek tragedy Oedipus the King by Sophocles. In this play, Sophocles gives Oedipus the tragic flaw, hubris (excessive pride in oneself), which eventually causes him to run into his fate that he wanted to escape. Excessive pride in oneself has been the downfall of multiple characters like Oedipus. Oedipus wont accept the fact that he cannot escape his fate because of his uncontrollable arrogance. Pride has played a role in his life when he was first told about his fate. Oedipus once went to anRead More Destiny, Free Will and Choice - The Power of Fate in Oedipus the King1071 Words  | 5 PagesThe Power of Fate in Oedipus the King The concept of fate has existed since the time of the ancient Greeks. The Greeks believed very strongly in fate, which can be defined as either a power beyond human control that determines events, or the outcome or end. In Oedipus Rex, King Oedipus lives and dies by fate. Fate influences the entire plot, thereby allowing for some interesting developments that may be unpredictable to the audience. In Sophocles Oedipus Rex, fate truly is a huge factorRead MoreOedipus Rex Character Analysis1419 Words  | 6 Pages Sophocles was a tragedian writer in Greece, 497/ 496 BC, who aspired to create unique plays that contrasted against Greek society. In most literature, there is a clear division between the roles and characteristics of man and woman. While this play is a heroic archetype, Jocasta’s role in the play contrasts against Oedipus’s role, within the play â€Å"Oedipus Rex†to convey different emotions. The roles portrayed by the characters showcase that Sophocles specified each character to represent andRead MoreSophocles Oedipus The King1003 Words  | 5 Pagesnot all Greek citizens wanted destiny to take control of their lives. Some decided to choose freewill over the will of the gods. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles writes a cautionary tale meant to warn the doubters in Greek society that regardless of their beliefs in gods and prophecies, it i s necessary to heed their warnings. Oedipus, Jocasta, and Laius are Sophocles’ characters that prove that escaping one’s fate is not possible, as each of their predicted fates is realized despite extensive effortsRead More Boundaries of Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King1282 Words  | 6 PagesBoundaries of Fate and Free Will in Oedipus the King  The ancient Greeks firmly believed that the universe was guided strictly by order and fate. In Oedipus the King, Sophocles has examined the relationship between free will and fate, suggesting that free will paradoxically exists inside the boundaries of fate. It may be concluded, however, that man has free will and is ultimately held responsible for his own actions.  Oedipus destruction was brought about by a combination of fateRead MoreOedipus The King Of Oedipus868 Words  | 4 Pagescocky trait is heavily represented in the story â€Å"Oedipus the King†(c. 430 B.C.) by Sophocles. In the story, Oedipus the king of Thebes has the cocky trait and it results in torture for life. Oedipus’s arrogant personality shows throughout the story as he tries to find the killer of the former king of Thebes, his father. Oedipus tends to deem himself as a god throughout the story which plays a big role in interaction with people around him. Sophocles uses characterization to convey that overconfidenceRead More Comparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex Essay1443 Words  | 6 PagesComparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex (the King)    The myth of Oedipus’s incest and parricide has been retold many different times. The basic story line has remained the same. Oedipus leaves Corinth to try to escape a fate of incest and parricide. After he leaving the city, he ends up saving Thebes from the Sphinx, becoming king of the city and in the process fulfilling the prophecy. The character of Oedipus changes in each play to help support a different meaning to the entire mythRead More Self-Damnation in Oedipus the King Essay1312 Words  | 6 PagesSelf-Damnation in Oedipus Rex (the King)     Sophocles play Oedipus Rex (the King) is a tragic tale of fate and hubris. At first glance, it seems that the terrible fates of the main characters are merely the doings of mischievous or cruel gods. That Laios should die at the hands of his unknowing son, that Jocaste should later marry that son to commit the crime of incest, and that Oedipus, the son, should be the actor in both crimes all seem to be deeds scripted unfairly by the gods for theirRead More Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice in Oedipus the King - Defining Fate1000 Words  | 4 PagesFate in Oedipus Rex     During ancient times, the Greeks believed very strongly in a concept called fate. What is fate? Fate can be defined as a cause beyond human control that determines events. It can also be defined as the outcome or end of some sort. In Oedipus Rex, King Oedipus is a character that lived by fate and died by fate. This element of fate truly impacted the storyline and the plot, while allowing for some interesting developments that may have been unforeseen byRead MoreOedipus Tragic Hero Analysis936 Words  | 4 PagesA king must possess select components of bravery, pride, and determination that coincide with one another in a manner to which others will perceive as commendable. Nevertheless, the very qualities that make a king rise above his citizens may be the exact characteristics that lead to his downfall. This concept could be correlated to the acclaimed work of Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, whereby the epitome of a tragic hero is created in the main ch aracter, Oedipus. Moreover, Sophocles has characterized
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Critical Response Fahrenheit 451 - 1592 Words
The novel â€Å"Farenheit 451†written Ray Bradbury between 1950 and 1953 is thought provoking novel which raises important concerns about what the future may hold. Predominantly told through the eyes of the protagonist Guy Montag Bradbury warns humanity of a future containing mind manipulation, abuse of technology and heavy government censorship. The purpose of this book is clearly to warn society of the path we are headed to if we continue to value new technology over knowledge by showing us â€Å"that although knowledge can cause disharmony, knowledge of the past can help prevent man from making similar mistakes in the future†. The title â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†is significant to the book because it represents the temperature at which books ignite. Since†¦show more content†¦People with interests outside of technology and entertainment, are seen as strange and are usually avoid my majority of the population. This mass media smothering and extreme censors hip leads to many problems including violence, depression, and even suicide as seen in Montag’s wife Mildred. The theme of extreme censorship is conveyed through a variety of techniques including the use animal imagery and the symbolism of fire, water and the Phoenix. Throughout the novel animal and nature imagery is used to represent the force of truth and innocence. When Clarisse convinces Montag to taste the rain it changes him irreversibly showing him the enlightening power of unspoiled nature. Most of the novel’s animal imagery is ironic because even though the community is dominated by technology and disregards nature, many of the intimidating mechanical devices are modeled or named after animals for instance the Mechanical Hound and the Electric-Eyed Snake. Bradbury also uses powerful the symbolism of fire, water and the Phoenix to paint distinct images in the reader’s minds. Firemen see fire as a symbol of purification through the burning of books. This is quite ironic because rather than purifying the world they are contributing to the destruction of knowledge. The Chief of the FireShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 Critical Essay1607 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Lintang Syuhada 13150024 Book Report 1 Fahrenheit 451 Critical Essay Human beings are naturally curious. We are always in search of better ideas, and new solutions to problems. One of a basic idea of Indonesia has been freedom of thinking and a free flow of ideas. But in some societies, governments try to keep their people ignorant. Usually, this is so governments can keep people under control and hold on to their power. In trying to keep people from the realities of the world, these oppressiveRead MoreRampant Violence : Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451893 Words  | 4 PagesRampant violence fills Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. Violence is a reoccurring reality within the novel’s society. 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In literature darkness is a symbol of ignorance, evil, falsehood, oblivion, despair and the unknownRead MoreCensorship Is Monitoring Or Withholding Information Essay1694 Words  | 7 Pageswhat is acceptable and what should be banned only continues to rise as more taboo topics become acceptable. Some argue that keeping certain things behind closed doors is imperative for a harmonious living place. Others say that a small discourse is critical to remain sane. Censorship is a way of protecting society from itself. Leaders and parental figures can make the choice to monitor what is read, watched, and consumed, but until the world lives the life worthy of a children’s’ book the effort isRead MoreAnalysis of Ray Bradbury ´s Farenheit 451689 Words  | 3 PagesClarisse’s purpose is the start the metamorphosis of Montag, and she does this by asking Montag the question â€Å"are you happ y†, which leads Montag on a powerful journey to find the â€Å"noble†path (4) (Free Response Questions 1). After Clarisse servers her purpose by motivating Montag on the search for ideas and critical thinking (through the use of books) she promptly dies making herself and her ideas unattainable to Montag. Clarisse purpose in the novel is purely her ideas unlike other similar novels where romanceRead MoreThe Evolution Of Technology And The Demise Of Intellectual Thought2036 Words  | 9 Pages The Evolution of Technology and the Demise of Intellectual Thought Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury has long been a staple of literature classes around the globe. And for years, the popular consensus has been that the main theme of the novel is censorship. When examining the political environment at the time of the book’s publishing, it is easy to understand why many readers identified with a message of suppression and government regulation. It was 1953 and American Senator Joseph McCarthy wasRead MoreFahrenheit 451- a Critical Review4221 Words  | 17 PagesEN3110 - NOVEL FAHRENHEIT 451 – CRITICAL RESPONSE In Fahrenheit 451, Beatty exists as a paradoxical character which has a profound knowledge from the books he burnt but is still against the keeping of these intellectual products. Skillfully, Ray Bradbury has built up the important villain through whose arguments we can look at more aspects of the existence of books in our society, or generally the maintenance of knowledge. In the conversation betweenRead MoreAnalysis Of Salinger s The Catcher Rye 3756 Words  | 16 PagesSummer Reading-TASIS 2014 Rising 9th Grade Mainstream English The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and Fahrenheit 541 by Ray Bradbury Please write a typed or handwritten response (200 words each in the language relevant to your course) to each of the following prompts on each of the works assigned for the course(s) you will be taking in 2014-2015: The Catcher in the Rye Initial Understanding: What are your thoughts and questions about the story? You might reflect upon characters, theirRead MoreThe Veldt: Science Fiction or The Inevitable Future1315 Words  | 6 Pages I just want you to look at it, is all, or call a psychologist in to look at it(Bradbury). Lydia immediately thinks there is something wrong with the nursery, but George refuses to comply. George not being skeptical shows how naive he acted in response to the nursery. Throughout the story, Lydia is often overlooked and thought of as a minor character, but her role in the beginning actually foreshadows their death. â€Å"And what has happened to George, once ruler and lord of his household? He seemsRead More The Dangers of Censorship in High School Essay2591 Words  | 11 Pagesregulate censorship, but that these are the very people who are convinced that what is being taught by sensitive educators is indeed appropriate and even necessary to the learning process. This seems a t elling point about what being educated must do for critical thinking abilities; those who understand how to read all types of texts with maturity are not disturbed by the realities contained therein. Kristol (I 972) claims that very few words of real merit ever were suppressed (p. 649). This is a difficult
Monday, December 9, 2019
Importance of Management free essay sample
Management is a universal phenomenon. It is a very popular and widely used term. All organizations business, political, cultural or social are involved in management because it is the management which helps and directs the various efforts towards a definite purpose. According to Harold Koontz, â€Å"Management is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform and individuals and can co-operate towards attainment of group goals†. According to F. W. Taylor, â€Å"Management is an art of knowing what to do, when to do and see that it is done in the best and cheapest way†. Management is a purposive activity. It is something that directs group efforts towards the attainment of certain pre determined goals. It is the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve the goals of the organization, by efficiently using limited resources in the changing world. Of course, these goals may vary from one enterprise to another. E. g. : For one enterprise it may be launching of new products by conducting market surveys and for other it may be profit maximization by minimizing cost. Management involves creating an internal environment: It is the management which puts into use the various factors of production. Therefore, it is the responsibility of management to create such conditions which are conducive to maximum efforts so that people are able to perform their task efficiently and effectively. It includes ensuring availability of raw materials, determination of wages and salaries, formulation of rules amp; regulations etc. Therefore, we can say that good management includes both being effective and efficient. Being effective means doing the appropriate task i. , fitting the square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes. Being efficient means doing the task correctly, at least possible cost with minimum wastage of resources. Management can be defined in detail in following categories : Management as a Process Management as an Activity Management as a Discipline Management as a Group Management as a Science Management as an Art Management as a Profession 1. It helps in Achieving Group Goals  It arranges the factors of production, assembles and organizes the resources, integrates the resources in effective manner to achieve goals. It directs group efforts towards achievement of pre-determined goals. By defining objective of organization clearly there would be no wastage of time, money and effort. Management converts disorganized resources of men, machines, money etc. into useful enterprise. These resources are coordinated, directed and controlled in such a manner that enterprise work towards attainment of goals. 2. Optimum Utilization of Resources  Management utilizes all the physical amp; human resources productively. This leads to efficacy in management. Management provides maximum utilization of scarce resources by selecting its best possible alternate use in industry from out of various uses. It makes use of experts, professional and these services leads to use of their skills, knowledge, and proper utilization and avoids wastage. If employees and machines are producing its maximum there is no under employment of any resources. 3. Reduces Costs  It gets maximum results through minimum input by proper planning and by using minimum input amp; getting maximum output. Management uses physical, human and financial resources in such a manner which results in best combination. This helps in cost reduction. 4. Establishes Sound Organization  No overlapping of efforts (smooth and coordinated functions). To establish sound organizational structure is one of the objective of management which is in tune with objective of organization and for fulfillment of this, it establishes effective authority amp; responsibility relationship i. e. who is accountable to whom, who can give instructions to whom, who are superiors amp; who are subordinates. Management fills up various positions with right persons, having right skills, training and qualification. All jobs should be cleared to everyone. 5. Establishes Equilibrium  It enables the organization to survive in changing environment. It keeps in touch with the changing environment. With the change is external environment, the initial co-ordination of organization must be changed. So it adapts organization to changing demand of market / changing needs of societies. It is responsible for growth and survival of organization. 6. Essentials for Prosperity of Society  Efficient management leads to better economical production which helps in turn to increase the welfare of people. Good management makes a difficult task easier by avoiding wastage of scarce resource. It improves standard of living. It increases the profit which is beneficial to business and society will get maximum output at minimum cost by creating employment opportunities which generate income in hands. Organization comes with new products and researches beneficial for society. What is the Importance of Management in Business? â€Å"Some underestimate the importance of management in business but the latest researches have shown that it is certainly not the case. The input of the labor, capital and raw materials can never become production without the catalyst of management. A business cannot survive without management because management is its means of support. Management is concerned with acquiring maximum prosperity with minimum efforts. Management is essential wherever group efforts are required to be directed towards achievements of common goals. In this management conscious age, the significance of management can hardly be over emphasized. It is said that any thing minus management amounts to nothing. There is no more important area of human activity than management since its task is that of getting things done through others. Some underestimate the importance of management in business but the latest researches have shown that it is certainly not the case. The input of the labor, capital and raw materials can never become production without the catalyst of management. Management is a dynamic life-giving element in an organization. In its absence, the resources of production remain underutilized and can never become production. In fact, without efficient management, no country can become a nation. Business is basically a group activity and management plays an important role in making it more effective. The group as a whole cannot realize its objectives unless and until there is mutual cooperation and coordination among the members of the groups. Management creates teamwork and team spirit in an organization by developing a sound organizational structure. It brings the human and material resources together and motivates the people for the achievement of goals. The available resources of production are put to use in such a way that all sort of wastages and inefficiencies are reduced to a minimum. If the managers in any business are not considerate and good at their job, nothing worthwhile can be expected of the subordinates. The motivation level of the employees is directly related to good management. Management creates and maintains an environment conducive to higher efficiency and performance. A business enterprise operates in a constantly changing environment. Changes in the business environment create risk and also provide opportunities for growth. A conducive and encouraging environment is indispensable for any business and sound management makes it possible easily. Negative Aspects of Technology Introduction The history of technology is as old as human life. This is because the usage of technology came into existence when the humans existed. Technology had a great progress since ages that is from mastery of fire by man to computers, rockets, electronics etc which shows the 21st century achievements. The technologies that evolved in the past and even now made our lives comfortable. People are totally dependent on technology. Technology helps in speedy development and changes. According to a dictionary the definition of technology is given as â€Å"the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization. (Technology, 2012). This shows that technology usage has become as part of our life. These technologies include computers, cell phones, emails, video conferencing and even the basic things like microwave oven and fridge. Technology has become important in every aspect of our life. It changed our way of life in both positive and negative ways. Over past decade, there are many new techno logies that have evolved and there is much advancement in the existing technologies. Technology separates individuals from reality. Problem The advancements in technologies have made our lives comfortable but there is a great negative impact of the technology in our lives. There are many factors that supports that technology has adverse effects on society. Technology is not always green. While new and rapidly advancing knowledge will surely become a dominant force shaping the future of mankind, experts tells that advancing technology always brings side effects. This is because humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants. So scientists feel that the development of technology is causing harm to the environment. Technologys Negative Impact on Business Technology has positive affects on global business. The Internet makes it possible for people to communicate easily with associates in other countries. Ecommerce makes it possible for consumers to purchase almost anything from almost anywhere. And the flow of information is fast and often free once you have paid for Internet access. However, technology also has negative impacts on business. Business Relationships Internet technology such as chat rooms, Skype and other software has made it possible to hold meetings without all parties being physically present in the same place. A drawback is that meeting with somebody over the Internet is much less personal than meeting face-to-face. Internet technology in business decreases the personal aspect of business relationships. Business people used to network in restaurants and on golf courses. Today, the lack of physical proximity decreases brainstorming and other communications that use a personal touch. Employee Morale Installing monitoring software in the workplace sends the message to employees that the company does not trust them, according to research done under the aegis of professor Howard Besser while teaching at New York University. Giving employees responsibility, trust and respect boosts their morale and productivity. Showing them that they are not trusted and must be recorded decreases morale and worker productivity. This is true regardless of the actual reasons for installing monitoring software, according to the same research. Spam Spam refers to unwanted and unsolicited email messages. Spam is widespread and has negative impacts on business, according to the article Impact of Information Technology on Global Business published by Purdue University. Wading through spam email is a waste of time, and spam filters can only do so much. Users of spam filters must then check for necessary email messages diverted incorrectly as spam. Brick and Mortar The popularity of ecommerce has had a negative impact on brick-and-mortar retail stores. Smaller stores are finding more and more difficult to compete with both Internet businesses and larger retail stores. For example, small community bookstores must compete with Amazon. com as well as large stores such as Barnes amp; Noble that sell in person and online. Sometimes the smaller stores end up going out of business.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Telugu language Essay Example
Telugu language Essay Telangana is a new proposed state to be formed out of the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. The city of Hyderabad would serve as the joint capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh for ten years. [2][3] On 30 July 2013, the ruling Congress party resolved to request the Central government to make steps in accordance with the Constitution to form a separate state of Telangana (the 29th independent state of Republic of India), within a definite timeframe. The timeline for the creation of the new state involves an elaborate process, which has been allotted 122 days, or at least four months. [4] The split has to be approved by the Parliament of India before the state is officially created. Also the ongoing Samaikyandhra Movement is trying to keep the state united. Etymology The Word Telangana might have been derived from Telugu which is the spoken language in this region and Telugu language is thought to have derived its name from trilinga, as in Trilinga Desa, the country of the three lingas. According to a Hindu legend, Shiva descended as linga on three mountains namely, Kaleshwara, Shrishaila and Bhimeswara, which marked the boundaries of the Telugu country. [5][6] The term Telangana was designated to distinguish the Telugu region from Marathwada as part of Hyderabad State. [7] Early Reference during Kakatiya rule One of the earliest reference to the word Telangana can be seen from the name of Malik Maqbul, who was called Tilangani, which infers that he was from Tilangana. We will write a custom essay sample on Telugu language specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Telugu language specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Telugu language specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He was born a Hindu named Nagaya Ganna and was called Yugandhar. He was son of Dadi Nagadeva. Yugandhar was the commander of Warangal Fort (Ka? aka paludu in Telugu After elevation to commander status he was referred as Gannama Nayaka. After the fall of Warangal in 1323, the Kakatiya king Prataparudra and his trusted minister and commander Gannama Nayaka were captured and taken to Delhi. [9] King Prataparudra committed suicide by drowning himself in the Narmada River. Yugandhar converted to Islam and was iven a new name, Khan-i Jahan Maqbul Tilangani] History Early history Kotilingala in Karimnagar was the capital of Assakajanapada, considered one of the 16 great janapadas of early India. This area yielded coins issued by pre-Satavahana kings. Coins of Chimukha, the founder of Satavahana dynasty and those cast in lead copper issued by later kings were found. [11] The Satavahana dynasty (230 BCE to 220 CE) became the dominant power in the area. It originated from the lands between the Godavari and Krishna Rivers. After the decline of the Satavahanas, various dynasties ruled the area such as the Vakataka, Vishnukundina, Chalukya, Rashtrakuta and Western Chalukya dynasties. [citation needed]. The Satavahana dynasty had its roots in Koti Lingala on the banks of the Godavari River, in present day Karimnagar district Torana built by the Kakatiyas in Warangal in 1163 Charminar in Hyderabad Kakatiya dynasty The area experienced its golden age during the reign of the Kakatiya dynasty that ruled most parts of what is now Andhra Pradesh from 1083 to 1323 CE. Ganapatideva, who came to power in 1199, was known as the greatest of the Kakatiyas, and the first after the Satavahanas to bring the entire Telugu area under one rule. He put an end to the rule of the Telugu Cholas, who accepted his suzerainty in the year 1210. He established order in his vast dominion that stretched from the Godavari delta in the east to Raichur (in modern day Karnataka) in the west and from Karimnagar and Bastar (in modern day Chhattisgarh) in the north to Srisailam and Tripurantakam, near Ongole, in the south. It was during his reign that the Golkonda fort was constructed. Rudrama Devi and Prataparudra were prominent rulers from the Kakatiya dynasty. The dynasty weakened with the attack of Malik Kafur in 1309 and was dissolved with the defeat of Prataparudra by the forces of Muhammad bin Tughluq in 1323. Qutbshahis and Nizams The area came under the Muslim rule of the Delhi Sultanate in the 14th century, followed by the Bahmani Sultanate. Quli Qutb Mulk, a governor of Golkonda, revolted against the Bahmani Sultanate and established the Qutb Shahi dynasty in 1518. On 21 September 1687, the Golkonda Sultanate came under the rule of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb after a year-long siege of the Golkonda fort. [12]In 1712, Qamar-ud-din Khan was appointed to be Viceroy of the Deccan with the title Nizam-ul-Mulk Administrator of the Realm. In 1724, he defeated Mubariz Khan to establish autonomy over the Deccan Suba and took the name Asif Jah, starting what came to be known as the Asif Jahi dynasty. He named the area Hyderabad Deccan. Subsequent rulers retained the title Nizam ul-Mulk and were referred to as Asif Jahi Nizams or Nizams of Hyderabad. When Asif Jah I died in 1748, there was political unrest due to contention for the throne among his sons, who were aided by opportunistic neighboring states and colonial foreign forces. In 1769, Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the Nizams. Nizam signed a subsidiary alliance in 1799 with British and lost its control over the states defense and foreign affairs. Hyderabad State became a princely state among the presidencies and provinces of British India. Telangana was the seat of numerous dynasties. Chowmahalla Palace was home to the Nizams of Hyderabad.
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